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Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

9 am to 10 am - Performance Center

Chair classes include standing and seated exercises and are multilevel classes, for beginner to advanced
exercisers. They include low impact aerobics, resistance/strength training, balance exercises, and stretching.
Socks, preferably the non skid kind or athletic shoes are required.

Instructor: Elaine Oksner



Elaine has been teaching dance and exercise classes for more than 40 years, both in the Washington, DC area and here in South Florida.

Classes are $25 for a series of 10 classes or $3.00 per class to drop in for residents of River Bridge.  Visitors/guests are $4.00 per class.



As with any exercise endeavor, students should consult their doctor for which class is best suited to them.


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